Gaming the System When Networking

If the thought of an evening spent “networking” makes you uncomfortable, you’re not alone. Despite understanding that networking is about building two-way relationships and that positive intentions (e.g., a willingness …

Optimize Your Annual Review!

Performance appraisals emerged during Frederick Taylor’s Scientific Management movement in the early 20th century. Despite 100 years, we haven’t made much progress. 60% of employees feel performance reviews are a …

The Cab Driver’s Dilemma

Pretend you’re a cabbie for a moment. Business has fallen due to start-ups like Uber and your boss stated yesterday that if you don’t bring in more money, you’ll soon …

What You Don’t Know…

What you don’t know can lead to assumptions, erroneous conclusions, and potentially poor decisions.  Our brain is constantly trying to make sense of behaviors we observe and in the absence …

How Obstacles Lead to Great Success!

One of my all-time favorite movie lines is from “A League of Their Own.” When Tom Hank’s best player quits the baseball team right before the playoffs because “it just …