The new year is a popular time to set goals for the upcoming year. One of the best ways to deliberately craft the life we want is to slow down and reflect on where we’ve been.
Since we’re constantly bombarded with information from every direction, it can be hard to sift through the clutter and consciously take in what is most meaningful to us, which is what is needed for change and to create new habits.
In preparation for 2014, I’ve re-read many of the TiltScale Sunday blogs, which have been my weekly guideposts of how I would like to craft my own life. In appreciation for all who follow the blog, I’ve compiled the 10 most popular that seem to align with the upcoming new year.
Thank you for all of your support in 2013 – it has been quite a journey and I look forward to more adventures ahead!
If That Voice In your Head were a Friend, How long would the Friendship last?
Two questions that can change your life
Get your life back in 15 minutes